Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


A. Resep Tradisional kue Mendut

Bahan Kulit Mendut:
• 225 gr tepung ketan
• ¼ sendok teh garam
• 18 ml air hangat
• Perwarna makanan merah dan hijau

Bahan Isi Mendut:
• 125 gr kelapa muda, dikupas lalu diparut panjang
• 50 gr gula pasir
• 1 lbr daun pandan
• 1/4 sendok teh garam

Bahan Kuah mendut:
• 200 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kalapa
• 1/2 sendok makan tepung beras
• 1/4 sendok teh garam

Cara Membuat mendut:
1. Masak bahan isi hingga kering sambil diaduk, sisihkan
2. Aduk tepung ketan, garam, lalu seduh dengan air hangat sambil diulin hingga kalis
3. Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian lalu beri warna merah, hijau, putih. sambil sedikit
4. Adonan, masukan bahan isi lalu bulatkan.sisihkan
5. Rebus bahan kuah sampai mendidih sambil diaduk sisihkan.
6. Ambil selembar daun pisang,buat takir.isi dengan bulatan merah,putih dan hijau
7. Siram dengan kuah dan kukus sampai mantang

Untuk 15 Bungkus

B. Modal yang Diperlukan
Modal yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat kue nagasari ini adalah:
Tepung ketan Rp 7.000
Garam Rp 1.200
Perwarna makanan Rp 2.500
Kelapa muda Rp 2.000
Gula pasir Rp 5.000
Daun pandan Rp 500
Garam Rp 1.200
1 butir kalapa (santan) Rp 1.500
Tepung beras Rp 8.000
Total Rp 29.900

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Cake Nagasari is traditional cake of which do not burst eaten [by] epoch. From formerly until now, this cake still be liked by Indonesia public. This cake rice powder bottom barium and filled with plantain slice. Likely, combination of legit and fragrant felt one crispyly of coconut mink.

A. Production process


" 200 ml Rice powder

" 250 ml viscid Santan from ½ item coconut

" 550 ml watery Santan from ½ item coconut

" 200 gr Gula sand

" Screw pine leaf 1 sheet fed

" Vanili pasta/bubuk ¼ sdt

" Smooth salt ½ sdt

" Plantain counted 5 fruit, circular cut as thick 1 cm

" Banana leaf to wrap

Way Of Making:

1. Dissolves rice powder with 250 ml viscid coconut mink. Scrambled plane, casts aside.

2. Heats dilute coconut mink, commodity exchange incorporated, screw pine leaf, salt and vanili. Ripe so boiling. Lifts, filters.

3. Adds condensation of rice powder little by little to the above of temperature coconut mink be poked. Ripe above halfdone finite medium fire. Lifts.

4. Takes banana leaf, enters 1 dough tablespoon, berry one banana rebates, closed returned with one dough tablespoons. Bale like folding envelope. Does finite of pot is clean dough.

5. Cake steam with big fire during 20 minutes or finite of matured cake. Lifts, makes cool. Arranges in saucer saji. serves.

Tips: Of The Volume Of Nagasari would more lejat and its(the aroma is odorous if using plantain. Packer leaf by using young banana leaf would easy to be arranged so that its(the appearance is also would more draws. Compress at part of cake side that form of cake is having waist and beautiful

B. Legal capital Required

The range of legal capital which you requires to make this nagasari cake is:

Rice powder Rp 6000 ( 1 kg)

1 item coconut Rp 3000 ( 1 item coconut)

Sand commodity exchange incorporated Rp 5000 ( 1/2 kgs)

Screw pine leaf Rp 100 ( 1 sheet fed)

Vanili pasta/bubuk vanili Rp 200 ( 1 bale)

Smooth salt Rp 1500 ( 1 Bale)

Plantain Rp 4000 ( 1 comb)

Banana leaf Rp 1500 ( 5 sheet fed)

Total Rp 21300

For legal capital size equal to this estimated you can make nagasari to become ± 25 fruits.